Thursday, February 26, 2009

Getting to Mexico

I know, this is quite late, but while in Mexico our on-line
activities were severely limited (no downloading or uploading beyond
basic e-mails and newspaper articles due to a 200 MB/day limit shared
by four laptops).

So, in this first picture we're arriving at the border, having driven
from Mojave, CA that morning. Then you can see somewhat typical
countryside as we go on down the road, finally arriving just at dark
at Bud and Dotty's place, where we were greeted with a campfire and a
glass of wine, and weather warm enough to sit outside. After wine
and appetizers, we went on over to the neighborhood cantina (which
was really jumping due to $5 spaghetti Friday night as well as just a
general desire to get together with friends.) While there, a young
(?) gentleman came over and introduced himself as a schoolmate of
both Clara's and Dotty's in Imperial, NE way back when. Actually, he
was just behind Dotty (by a year) so they hardly knew him, but they
did know his older sister, who was in Clara's graduating class. He
has also established permanent residence in the San Felipe area,
which, although there are no exact census figures, is reputedly home
to some forty or fifty THOUSAND ex-pats from the U.S. It is possible
for a couple to live down there on nothing more than their monthly
Social Security . . . so that would suggest somewhere upwards of
seventy or so MILLION dollars per MONTH going into the local
economy . . . too bad the little people hardly see it . . .

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