Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Sad Story of our Times

On Friday (2/27/09) Clara and I went out to Pahrump, NV with our friends Linda and Jerry, and, among other things, we went to the stables where Linda is learning horse care and taking riding lessons. I just couldn't resist writing up this little "story of our times." Glenn


It's difficult, I know, to believe how hard these times have come to
be. Here is photographic evidence of one truly sad story -- a good
friend of ours, Linda by name, formerly a psychiatric nurse and a
college teacher, now reduced to eking out a meager living by cleaning
horse stables . . . who would have believed it would come to this? I
overheard someone to say that she curls up next to the horse whose
enclosure she's cleaning in order to stay warm during Las Vegas'
bitterly cold winter nights. Glenn

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